There is an ominous sense of déjà vu about the world
right now which is reminiscent of a global economy out of control and heading into
a new disaster. Global growth is running out of steam, world debt exposure has
reached crisis proportions, while over-leveraged financial markets are looking
extremely over-stretched. A single major credit event like 2009’s Lehman’s collapse
would be enough to tip the world back into deep catastrophe.
Next time, there might be no easy way back. Policymakers
are running out of options on how to deal with any new crisis. Global interest
rates are already down at rock bottom levels, the world is awash with synthetic
money created by the central banks’ super-stimulus and government debt exposure
is bursting at the seams. Short of prayers to St Jude, the patron saint of Lost
Causes, the world’s policy cupboard is looking too bare to cope.
If policymakers seem to be sleepwalking into another
crisis, so too are the global financial markets. Lifted by $15 trillion of central
bank pump-priming over the last seven years, global equity markets seem far
removed from any deep-rooted bear market tendencies. Bond yields are close to
record lows, corporate credit spreads remain relatively tight, while market
fear gauges like the Vix volatility index are hardly fretting. It is fair to
say that global financial markets have ‘irrational exuberance’ written all over
them right now.
Some global policymakers may be ranting and railing against
the potential ‘doom-loop’ that the world economy is getting itself tangled up
in, but little is being done to stop the rot. Supranational bodies like the
International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements and the
World Bank have all warned about the explosion of global debt, but talking is
one thing and direct action is something else.
Their main worry is the global recovery has become
too dependent on an explosive build-up of debt thanks to all the cheap money
generation in the wake of the financial crash. Since 2007, world debt is
estimated to have risen by $57 billion, an accumulation which could have devastating
future effects if it starts to sour. Households, businesses and governments
have all increased debt at a time when borrowing costs have hit an all-time
low. It is less of a problem as cheap money is helping the real economy by
boosting consumption, investment and growth. But the chief worry is that cheap
money has mainly been ramping up financial speculation in property, stocks and
high risk assets.
Once the world interest rate cycle starts to turn, this
will have seismic consequences for global growth and for markets. Tighter
lending conditions will drag on growth as consumer spending and business output,
investment and hiring plans start to stall. Higher borrowing costs will also tighten
the screws for over-leveraged investors raising the risk of more than a
knee-jerk correction in markets at some stage.
Confidence is key right now. In recent years, corporate
debt has reached extreme levels and far exceeds pre-Lehman levels, with
companies continuing to borrow like there is no tomorrow. If market confidence
collapses and equity and credit markets start to crumble, the cost of capital
to businesses could rise very sharply. The increased spectre of major corporate
failures or debt defaults could quickly lead to very sharp hikes in credit
This would be serious news for emerging market
economies (EMEs), which have been a major crucible for world economic recovery
in the wake of the global crash. During the recovery process over the last six
years, EMEs have become seriously over-burdened by crippling debt levels and
any new crisis of confidence could easily trigger investor capital outflows and
spark a new financial storm. World growth prospects could suffer badly.
The global economy is sitting on a ticking time bomb
which quickly needs defusing to avert another full blown crisis. A further
troubling development is that the next potential leader of the world’s biggest
economy is far from being a safe pair of hands. If Republican candidate Donald
Trump is elected to be the next US President in November, the world could be in
deep trouble.
Trump’s maverick ideas to rid the US of its $19
trillion Federal debt pile by ‘discounting’ could be the beginning of the end
for global financial stability. It could
trigger a savage reaction in global markets and the mother of all credit